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Pedro R. Ortiz, Esq. is co-founder and capital member of Bahía Tax Advisors LLC.

Prior to founding Bahía Tax, Pedro was the Administrator of Puerto Rico’s largest public pension plan, where he managed a portfolio of $2.5 billion in assets. During his tenure, Pedro diversified investments by adding private equity and supporting local start-up managers. Prior to that, he served as a special advisor to the Governor of Puerto Rico, where he led policy initiatives aimed at increasing regional trade and commercial airline service.

Pedro’s law practice focuses on corporate law matters and government affairs, with a particular focus on M&A consulting. Pedro also has ample expertise advising startups, Act 20/22 decrees, as well as medical professionals with Act 14 tax decrees.

Pedro obtained his BBA in Finance and J.D. from the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus. He later obtained and LL.M in Corporate, Banking and Financial Law from Fordham University in New York. He earned his MBA at Columbia Business School in New York.